as a team is how the best organizations operate, yet it can be challenging,
especially without a roadmap. The Drexler-Sibbet Team Performance Model
provides a step-by-step framework for understanding team development. It’s one
of the most efficient models I’ve seen, and I’m happy to share how it works.
First, take a look at
the following graphic. It shows you the basic model structure.

As you can see, there
are 7 sequential steps in this model, represented by circles.
1. Orientation
2. Trust
3. Goal
4. Commitment
5. Implementation
6. High
7. Renewal
Each step has:
A question in the circle, which is the question someone on the
team is likely to ask.
Resolved and Unresolved Traits on either side of the circle. If
the resolved traits are demonstrated by the team, then the team can move to the
next step. If the unresolved traits are demonstrated, it’s not yet time to move
to the next step.
Arrows that point to other steps. If a team is facing challenges
on a certain step, the arrows will tell the team which step to move to. For
example, if a team is challenged on step 4, they would go back to step 3.
However, if a team is challenged on step 5, they would go back to step 3,
because the arrow from step 5 points to step 3.
A Diagnostic Tool
It’s important to note that
while this model is sequential from steps 1-7, building teams is rarely a
linear process. So teams may go back and forth through the steps, as the team
matures. That’s why this model can be used as a diagnostic tool. For example,
if a team is facing challenges, anyone on the team can look at the model to see
where the team is stuck, and then know what to do.
A Way To Build Teams From Scratch
In addition, the model can be
used as a way to build teams, giving the team lead and the team members a path
to building a sustainable team. Steps 1-4 build the team; steps 5-7 maintain
the team. Step 4 is known as the crux of the team’s success.
While this looks like a
complex process, it is possible to move through these steps quickly. However,
if steps are deemed unimportant and skipped, the team will progress more
I am going to review the
entire Drexler-Sibbet model (DS model) over the course of two weeks. In the
end, you will be able to use the model on a daily basis on your various teams.
This week, we will focus on steps one, two and three.
Orientation – Why am I here?
Orientation is about
understanding the purpose of a team and assessing what it will mean to be a
member. Team members will need to understand three things:
1. The
reason the team exists
2. What
will be expected of them
3. How
they will benefit from team membership
In a new team, these are
individual concerns, because the group is only potentially a team. Often, these
concerns are felt at an intuitive level; rarely will a team member ask these
three questions. That’s why it’s important to provide time and space to address
these questions in the first meeting and repeat the answers in each meeting to
reinforce the message. Once the members know the answers to these questions,
they will feel more connected and are more likely to participate in achieving
the group’s goals.
How do you know when Orientation challenges are resolved? You will
Team Identity
Membership (What are the rules/agreements we play by)
How do you know when the team is blocked at Orientation? You will
Remember – repetition is key to saturation and understanding. So
keep repeating what you want understood. Say it again and again, to those in
the team, and with those you serve.
Trust Building – Who are you?
Trust is a measure of your
willingness to work together with others for something important. Teams that
know they can depend on the others to work together and accomplish the team’s
purpose far exceed teams that do not have this understanding and appreciation
of other team members. Because team members have to depend on each other to be
successful, trust is essential in direct relation to how much cooperation is
needed to get the job done.
In the beginning of a new
team, trust involves some risk and uncertainty about dealing with strangers.
This is why the key question is “Who are you?” An unstated aspect of this
question is wondering, “What will you expect from me?”
So how do you quickly build
trust? It depends and it doesn’t have to include trust falls or outdoor ropes
As we evaluate the
trustworthiness of potential team members, we generally look at two things
about the person: integrity and competency. Most of us start our team building
by granting members a moderate to significant amount of trust (depending on our
comfort level) from the moment the individual becomes part of the team. As the
author Ernest Hemingway reminds us, “The best way to find out if you can trust
somebody is to trust them.” Then we increase or decrease that trust based on
our continuing experiences with that individual, hopefully achieving
consistency and reciprocal trust.
How do you know when Trust Building challenges are resolved? You
will see:
Mutual regard
How do you know when the team is blocked at Trust Building? You
will see:
Goal Clarification – What are we doing?
“What are we doing?” is a more
specific question than the larger question of purpose asked during Orientation.
During this stage of a team’s life, it will need to develop clear understanding
of the job that is required, as well as generate agreements about goals and
specific deliverables. Sometimes teams have precise charters that specify what
they are responsible for accomplishing. More often, they are given a broad
mandate and need to make choices about how they will pursue that mandate and
translate it into goals.
There is an expression in the
Navy that says, “If you are just one degree off, you end up in Madagascar
instead of Kenya.” One degree is not a big number, yet the result is vastly off
course. How many teams are exactly on the same page about goals? Usually the
team roughly knows where to go, yet is fuzzy on the specifics. For example,
what is the specific metric being used? When is the deliverable due? How does
it align with the bigger purpose?
General, unclear goals are
demotivating; clear specific goals are motivating. So how do you set clear
goals and metrics? Here are three steps to do so:
Ask the team lead and team: What are the meaningful results the
team is trying to achieve?
Develop clear guidelines on the performance required that will
help to deliver meaningful results.
Confirm the goals and intended results with others in the
Bonus question to ask: What would you have to do differently if
you were trying to improve by ten times instead of by ten percent?
Involve your team in adding
the detail to these steps. The more they’re involved, the greater their sense
of ownership and commitment will be. As a side note, goals shouldn’t be so
specific that they don’t allow flexibility to achieve things differently; the
context and situation may change over time so be nimble and adaptable.
How do you know when Goal Clarification challenges are resolved?
You will see:
Explicit assumptions
Clear integrated goals
Shared vision
How do you know when the team is blocked at Goal Clarification?
You will see:
Irreverent competition
I hope you’re finding value in the DS model so far. There’s more
to come! Next week I’ll cover the remaining steps:
STEP 4: Commitment – How will we do it?
STEP 5: Implementation – Who does what, when, where?
STEP 6: High Performance – WOW!
STEP 7: Renewal – Why continue?
Then you’ll have a complete
system to use to build amazing teams or diagnose teams that are struggling.
Stay tuned!
Have you used a team-building
model before? I’d love to hear about your experience with it.
share experiences. Leave a
comment below, send us an email, or find us
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